Three Tips for Curing Your Case of Sunday Scaries

It’s a Sunday afternoon after 3:00pm, you’ve probably had one too many bloody mary’s at brunch (definitely not a bad thing).  You feel anxious, sad, overwhelmed, sad, stressed, sad, angry and more importantly…..sad.  You have a case of Sunday Scaries.  It’s that all too familiar feeling of so desperately wanting to check your inbox to get a head start on your week, but refusing to do so because there are still a few hours left to your weekend.  Turns out, I get Sunday Scaries every week, yes, literally every. single. week. which makes me a professional at helping you to get through them.


Your phone.  Your computer.  Your iPad.  Everything.  You’ve worked five very long, hard days, so guess what?  You actually earned your weekend, make the most of it by trying to avoid emailing.  I always leave my inbox notifications on in case anything pops up that may need immediate attention.  Other than that, if the email can wait until Monday, I leave it alone.


Use your Sunday to take advantage of doing an activity that makes you happy.  Whether it’s taking an early morning yoga class, binge watching Scandal on Netflix, brunching (all day) with your girlfriends, indulging in retail therapy with your mom, treating yourself to a mani/pedi, drinking a bottle of wine or five….to each her own!  This will help you focus on the positive instead of the impending doom that is Monday morning.


When you do finally crawl into bed on Sunday night, take a minute to reflect on your past week.  Think about what you did that you are proud of, the mistakes you learned from and the people in your life that make you a better person.  With every case of Sunday Scaries comes one beautiful thing: a new week.  Visualize how you want the upcoming week to turn out and strategize how you’re going to make it happen.

Breathe.  You are going to survive the work week and come out on top.  Besides, if all else fails, only five more days until the weekend! Set your coffee pots, Monday morning is just a few hours away.